It should be about 20 seconds worth of audio
Click the Download link to download the MP3 file of the song.
The song is yours to use in your audio product!
Giving Credit
Some of the artists will want a quick plug from you in your recording for using their song. You can verify whether the one you’re interested in wants this by clicking on the “Details” link to the right of the song entry in the search results.
This is only fair, and in my opinion it’s good practice even if they don’t ask for it. After all, if they’re willing to let you use their creation for free, the least you can do is give them a quick shout out at the end of your audio program. All you have to say is something like, “The title song for this program is ‘End of the World’, by Kelton Ree.”
Mixing in the Song
Once you have your song, mixing it into your vocal recording is a snap. All you need to do is the following:
Open a new Audacity window by clicking File → New.
Open the song in Audacity using File → Open
Decide which section of the song you want to use as the intro to your audio and highlight it in the waveform display. It should be about 20 seconds worth of audio. You can tell the duration of your selection by clicking the Length radio button at the bottom of the screen.